IAS Students are Leading the Way!
The IAS CMD is proud to support Student-Led Conferences (Club of 6). Please find below information about their excellent activities and consider submitting your paper to these conferences.

PECI Power and Energy Conference at Illinois
- Organizers: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
SB PES/IAS/PELS Chapter - Location: Urbana-Champaign, IL USA
- Frequency: Annual

TPEC Texas Power and Energy Conference
- Organizers: Texas A&M University SB PES/IAS/PELS Chapter
- Location: College Station, TX USA
- Frequency: Annual

KPEC Kansas Power & Energy Conference
- Organizers: Kansas State University
- Location: Urbana-Champaign, IL USA
- Frequency: Annual

IYCE International Youth Conference on Energy
- Organizers: Budapest University of Technology and Economics SB PES/IAS Chapter
- Location: Hungary and Europe
- Frequency: Bi-Annual

IPRECON International Power and Renewable Energy Conference
- Organizers: IEEE Student Branch College of Engineering Karunagappally
- Location: Kollam, Kerala, India
- Frequency: Annual

CIYCEE China International Youth Conference On Electrical Engineering
- Organizers: Huazhong University of Science and Technology SB IAS Chapter and IEEE IAS Student Chapter of Southwest Jiaotong University
- Location: Wuhan, China and Chengdu, China
- Frequency: Bi-Annual

SCEMS Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems
- Organizers: Kyungshung University SB IAS Chapter
- Location: Asia
- Frequency: Annual