
Connect with Industry Professionals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Join us!

One of the largest special interest societies within IEEE, IAS focuses specifically on the unique needs of industry and commerce. We are a source of professional power to our 11,000+ worldwide members.

Through a network of over 370 chapters globally, regional events and national and international conferences, the society keeps members abreast of current developments in the area of technology in electricity and electronics. We enrich our members and the industry, as a whole, through the sharing of specific industry-related solutions.

The IEEE IAS Advantage Starts with Membership. Explore Your Options.

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Become a Member

There are many great reasons to belong!

As a member, you’ll have the opportunity to exchange information with the foremost industrial experts through personal participation in a local chapter meetings, seminars and regional, national, and international conferences which can be accessed at the Events and Conferences page. Some highlights include:

• IEEE IAS Annual Meeting

• Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition

• Applied Power Electronics Conference

• Cement Industry Conference

• Industrial Energy Efficiency Workshop

• Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conference

• Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference

• Pulp, Paper and Forest Industries Conference

• Rural Electric Power Industry Conference

The IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, the Society’s premiere conference, has sessions from over 20 diverse technical committees, covering the complete spectrum of industry applications. Our other conferences are generally more specific to a particular field within the society scope.

Active IAS members can be found virtually anywhere electricity or electronics is applied.

As you know, IEEE publishes journals, conferences, and standards in electrical, electronics, and all related technologies.

  • Through IEEE Xplore digital library, members can easily search over nearly two million IEEE documents, including otherwise difficult-to-find conference papers. The IEEE Xplore digital library delivers instant access to high quality full text research papers including all graphics, individual online article purchases via credit card, free keyword searching, unlimited viewing of basic abstracts, a growing back file with many publications back to 1950 and earlier, plus affordable subscription options such as IEEE Enterprise.
  • IEEE IAS strengthens the professional knowledge connection by sponsoring a range of books and periodicals within its technical specialty (see our publications). You may already be familiar with a few of the most notable—The IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine are the flagship publications of the Industry Applications Society. The content of the Transactions and the Magazine are archived in IEEE. The Magazine is a benefit of membership and printed copies of the Transactions are available by optional subscription.
  • The IAS is also one of the principal contributors to IEEE Standards, and Working Groups are active throughout the Society. One noteworthy example of IAS work is the IEEE Color Books, renowned as a major resource for design of industrial and commercial power systems.

The opportunity to personally contribute to the betterment of your industry is a key IAS member benefit. Committees within IAS play a central role in establishing over 25% of all IEEE industry standards. Four technical departments, each serving a key segment of industry, bring professionals together to advance the interests of the field. Through these activities, individual members gain the satisfaction of knowing their efforts will contribute to a more productive and safer industrial environment for the generations to come. 

For more information, please visit our technical activities page.

There is a stronger reason for being part of IAS, which doesn’t show up in the technical publications or on the days at conferences. It comes from being an active part of a group of engineering professionals, young and old, who are bound together by a common interest in industry. Building a network of professional connections is a part of it, as is staying on the inside track on happenings in the field. But most of all, the satisfaction comes from an opportunity to share your enthusiasm for your profession, and to be re-energized by the enthusiasm of others. It is this sense of mutual benefit that has made thousands of professionals from all over the world glad they joined IAS. Complete the application form to become a member…you’ll be glad you did too!

Membership in IAS will give you the opportunity to become acquainted and work with these experts.

When you become a member of IEEE, you are joining a global organization with members worldwide.

IEEE members can access information on local events and activities by signing in to IEEE Collabratec®, an integrated multi-functional platform and global network of technology-focused professionals, leveraging IEEE’s extensive knowledge base and community of thought-leaders. Once signed in, users can:

  • Network with other technology professionals
  • Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments
  • Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests
  • Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
  • Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world

To uncover IEEE member benefits that are most relevant to you, use the IEEE Global Benefits Finder. You can search by your current career phase and country/region to render a list of key IEEE member benefits that can help you accelerate your career plans and help you grow as a technology professional.

Check out our Chapter Locator to find IEEE IAS chapters closest to you.

IEEE IAS Membership Choices

Any current member of the IEEE is eligible to join IAS by applying and paying a nominal fee. If your professional interests dovetail with IAS but not IEEE, it is possible to join as an Organization Affiliate with IAS (at a significantly reduced dues rate) without becoming an IEEE member. An Organization Affiliate must be a member of a professional organization in a related scientific or technical field. Approved affiliate organizations include EPE, IEE, VDE, IEEJ, AEI, ASChE, AIME, ASME, SME and ISA, to name just a few. Students are encouraged to participate in the Society at a significantly reduced dues rate.

More about Membership