IAS Distinguished Lecturer and Prominent Lecturer Program
The IAS DL/PL Program provides IAS Chapters the opportunity to invite and host an experienced lecturer, either in-person or virtually (webinar format) to present a topic within their area of expertise. The program offers a list of renowned and exceptional lecturers who each possess specialist knowledge within their field. In addition to their technical expertise, the lecturers are also long-time volunteers of the Industry Applications Society. The program plays a pivotal role in bringing experienced researchers and technical experts from various IEEE regions directly to chapters.
IAS DL/PL Program
The DLPL Program is managed by Tamás Ruzsányi, IAS CMD DLPL Committee Chair.
IAS Distinguished Lecturers
Regions 1-6
James Mercier
USA, Topics: Wiring, Grounding, Special Transportation systems, Hydraulics
Mohammad S Islam
USA, Topics: Electric Machines, Magnetic sensors, PM machines
Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
USA, Topics: Smart Grid, DER, IOT, and Demand Response
Osama Mohammed
USA, Topics: Energy cyber-physical systems, smart grid communications, Transportation Electrification
Region 7
Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
Canada, Topics: PM motor control,SRM Drive control, Microgrids
Region 8
Dinesh Kumar
Denmark, Topics: Power Quality, Wind Energy , Microgrids and Power Electronics
Tony Lujia Chen
UK, Topics: SF6 alternative gases, dynamic cables for offshore wind, HV Aerospace Electrical Systems
Region 9
Gustavo Ramos
Colombia, Topics: Power quality, Power electronics, Power relaying, Modernization of power systems
Region 10
Sivaneasan Bala Krishnan
Singapore, Topics: Condition Monitoring, Energy Storage, Cybersecurity, Energy Trading, Smart grids, Electrification
Sang Bin Lee
S. Korea, Topics: Testing, condition monitoring, and quality assurance of machines and drive systems
Rajesh Kumar
India, Topics: Data analytics, Optimization , Computational Intelligence, Smart Grids and, Power System
IAS Prominent Lecturers
Regions 1-6
Ramakrishnan Raja
USA, Topics: Safety Architecture in Automotive, Sensorless Drives, PM motors
Region 8
Vinod Khadkikar
UAE, Topics: Energy Systems, Renewables, Power Quality, Electric Vehicles
Region 9
Germano Lambert-Torress
Brazil, Topics: Power System, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, Optimisation
Region 10
Amit K. Gupta
Singapore, Topics: Aerospace, Land and Marine Power System, Power Electronics, Energy Storage, Micro Grid
Jianxin Shen
China, Topics: Control of Different Electrical Machines, Drives, Renewables
Yongsug Suh
South Korea, Topics: Medium Voltage and High Power Converters, Renewables, Plasma
IAS Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer Program
The IAS Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program is administered through the Chapters & Membership Department and provides IAS Chapters access to distinguished lecturers from the Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Power Electronics Society (PELS) and the Power Engineering Society (PES).
The program was started in 2000 through an inter-society cooperation agreement between IAS, IES, PELS & PES. Further regulations were made in 2008 which remained unchanged in the 2011 and 2014 agreements.
IAS Chapters benefit by having access to a larger selection of distinguished lecturers from societies with similar technical interests.
Information on the IES/PELS/PES DL programs including a listing of DL’s and topics can be found at:
How does it work?
Each Society has agreed to fund its own DLs in accordance with their own funding rules and eligibility. IAS Chapters should contact the appropriate DL Program Chair when utilizing this program.
IAS chapters are free to invite DLs of other Societies but IAS doesn´t cover the expenses of the lecture tour.
Should you have any queries regarding the IAS DL/PL program, please email the IAS DL/PL Program Chair.