Technical Activities

Four Departments; 20 Technical Committees

Meeting the Changing Needs and Focus of Industry

The technical interests of IEEE IAS fall under four departments—each of which are comprised of several technical committees. Taking an active role in meeting the needs and focus of industry, these technical committees are responsible for:

icon techical activities selection

Solicitation and selection of papers for presentation at IEEE meetings.

icon techical grading

Grading and recommendations for our IEEEE Industry Applications Transactions and Magazine, and other IEEE papers submitted for presentation or publication.

icon techical activities standards

Initiation, preparation and formulation of Standards, Specifications, Operating and Application Guides, Test Procedures and Recommended Practices.

icon techical activities technical support

Providing technical assistance to chapters formed within their respective scope.

To join one of the technical committees, please reach out to the committee chair listed in the descriptions for each committee. Alternatively, you can complete our volunteer form.


Broad Range of Technical Interest

Technical Departments - Technical and Operating Committees

Covered Industries: Cement Industry, Petroleum & Chemical Industry, Pulp & Paper Industry, Metal Industry, Mining Industry, and Electrical Safety

Covered Industries: Electric Machines, Industrial Drives, Industrial Power Converter, Power Electronic Devices & Components, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems, and Transportation Systems

Covered Industries: Energy Systems, Power Systems Engineering, Codes & Standards, Power Systems Protection, and Rural Electric Power

Covered Industries: Industrial Lighting & Display, Electrostatic Processes, and Industrial Automation & Control

Recent IAS Standards

IEEE Std. 3001.9- 2023
Recommended Practice for the Design of Power Systems Supplying Lighting Systems in Commercial and Industrial Facilities

IEEE Std.1584.1- 2022
Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std 1584™

IEEE Std. 515.1 -2022
Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Commercial Applications