Chapter Funding & Other Subsidies

CMD Financial Programs

CMD Financial Programs Overview

Starting Subsidy for New Chapters

IAS provides starting subsidy for all new technical, student branch and joint chapters.

Effective by Jan 1, 2018, the funds is ($500/12)*<number of the signing IAS members of the petition>, limited to $500. Having the chapter approved and the Geo-Code provided, please manage your starting subsidy immediately. The chapter is eligible for the starting subsidy if the document set will be submitted within 4 weeks after the chapter approval date. The number of signing petitioners will be considered, too. The approval document is the IAS congratulatory letter along with the list of IAS members who signed the petition with their member # (preferably the copy of petition signing page). 

New joint chapters with the sister societies IES, PES and PELS are eligible for a starting subsidy up to $1,000/N, where N is the number of the joint societies. If an existing IAS chapter joins to other societies, the chapter is not eligible for receiving a new starting subsidy from IAS.

We can’t manage starting subsidy of other societies. Joint society chapters are requested to contact the other societies in that issue directly.

The starting subsidy can’t be transferred to private bank account. Eligible bank accounts are the account of the chapter or the SB or the IEEE Section. An alternative solution is using the Concentration Bank Account of the IEEE Section or the IEEE SB. 

For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 1, Chapter Funding.

The congratulatory letter is processed by the IAS CMD Chair

Chapter Subsidy for Technical Activities

Chapter Subsidy for Technical Activities, on special request and preliminary approval by the CMD Committees. For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 1, Chapter Funding.

The subsidy request should contain description of the to be supported activity, event website, number of expected participants and the detailed budget containing the requested IAS subsidy. Please note the requirement that the objectives of the request must have S.M.A.R.T characteristics, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Oriented.

To start a subsidy request, please use the Chapter Event Information FormThe subsidy request will be discussed, rejected or approved by the responsible CMD Committee. The chapter will receive an approval document about the approved funds from the committee chair.

Award Payments

Managed by the IAS CMD Chair

For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 2.

AMTGP Reimbursement

Managed by the CMD Chair

For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 2.

Please download the reimbursement set here: AMTGP Reimbursement

DL Program Reimbursement

Managed by the DL/PL Chair

 For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 2. 

CMD Travel Reimbursement

(Conference Travel, Info Desk Volunteer, IAS CMD WIE Initiative, CMD Conference Student Travel and Publication Program)

Managed by the responsible CMD Committees and/or the CMD Chair.

For details, please find the Reimbursement Instructions, Section 2. Travel Reimbursement. The payment request document can be submitted after the event only. 

Reimbursement Process and Instructions

Status: 2020-01-08.

The bank transfers will be processed by IEEE Headquarters, Piscataway, USA. The process should be initialized by trough either the Chapter Funding Form or the CONCUR platform.

The documents should be checked by the primary program managers and signed by one of the secondary program responsibles (see CMD Roster) before uploading. The reimbursement process will not be started without the signed document.

1. Chapter Funding

General Comments

For chapter funding, you have to use the Chapter Funding Form.

It is applicable for:

  • Chapter Starting Subsidy
  • Other Subsidies
  • Chapter subsidy for technical activities 
  • Financial support for chapter and SB events, national or regional YP meetings and technical conferences

Travel reimbursements will be managed according to Section 2. 

The chapter fundings can’t be transferred to private bank account.

Eligible bank accounts are the account of the chapter or the SB or the IEEE Section. An alternative solution is using the Concentration Bank Account of the IEEE Section or the IEEE SB. This needs a prior clarification with the Section.

Funding Process

1.1. In case of chapter starting subsidy, after having clarified the possible bank account to receive the funds, go to Section 1.3. The approval document is the copy of the IAS congratulatory letter. If there are more petitioner IAS student members than six (6) it should be proved by attaching the list of the IAS student grade chapter members containing name and membership number.

1.2. In case of other subsidies complete the Chapter Event Information Form online. Having the event approved, the chapter will receive an approval document from the responsible CMD Committee, e.g in form of an email note.

In case of non-travel reimbursement related Other Subsidies, go to Section 1.3. Travel reimbursement will be managed according to Section 2.


What to do?All R1…R10 Organization Units except IndiansIndian Organization Units
Upload the Funding Information Form – India in the field of “File Attachments” of the CHAPTER FUNDING FORM. FYI, this form will be requested by the Indian authorities.NOYES
Add a checkmark to “Send a copy of my responses” and having provided the reply address, klick on “Submit”YesYes
You will receive a “Form Confirmation” via email.
Forward this email to the IAS Director of Chapter Development with the attachment approval document.

1.4. Having checked the conformity of the approval document and the content of the Form Confirmation, the payment will be approved online by the the CMD Chair. The chapters will be informed only if update is necessary.

1.5. The bank transfer will be processed by IAS Executive Office and IEEE HQ, Piscataway, NJ, USA. CMD has no access to the process and can’t provide information about its status. The whole process takes 2…6 weeks. If the amount won’t be credited to your account by the expected date, please contact Ms. Lynda M Bernstein, IAS Program Specialist and Mr. Patrick McCarren, IAS Executive Director for requesting of bank transition tracking.

2. Travel Reimbursement

General Comments

All kind of travel reimbursements must be submitted through the CONCUR platform:

  • Individual and chapter travel award reimbursements
  • Committee travels
  • DL/PL travels

To sign up and find out details of the CONCUR platform, please visit the following website:,-medical-and-insurance/ieee-expense-report

To learn about the travel reimbursement process via CONCUR, please find a sample process explained in Concur Guidelines, prepared by Lesley Arakkal, CMD Chair

Funding Process

2.1. Collect all travel related receipts and invoices during the trip.

2.2. The reimbursement claim can be submitted only after the event.

2.3. The payment process will be started only if a SIGNED EXPENSE REPORT will be attached, signed by the CMD Chair 

2.4. How to get the SIGNED EXPENSE REPORT ?

  • Prepare the reimbursement claim report according to the self explanatory instructions of the Concur platform. You may choose your currency but you have provide the item expenses in the other foreign currencies which are given in the invoices even if you used more currencies.
  • If you finished, save the report but don’t submit it.
  • Go to the header command Print/Email and send the Expense Report as a PDF file to the responsible CMD Chair who organized the travel grant.
  • The CMD Chair checks the report and either asks for update or approves it and forwards it to the CMD Chair or the CMD Financial Chair, accordingly.
  • After providing the signature, the traveller receives the SIGNED EXPENSE REPORT back via email.
  • The SIGNED EXPENSE REPORT should be add to the Concur platform by using the window “Receipt Upload and Attach”. Please consider, the payment process will not be started without the SIGNED EXPENSE REPORT.
  • The Concur Report should be submitted. 

2.5. You will be able to track your submission through the system on your own. So, tracking request at either CMD or IAS Executive office is unnecessary.

You may find an explanation about the self-tracking in the document Concur_Check Payment Status.